Partner Profile

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Global leader in industrial machinery and vehicle manufacturing overseeing 380,000 sq. ft of warehouse space and an adjoining engine generator production support facility.

The Challenge

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  • Optimize manufacturing support processes for increased production
  • Resolve inventory control challenge
  • Incomplete and delayed orders and low throughput restricting downstream production
  • Lack of traceability creating upstream issues with warehouse capacity

Our Approach

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  • The project started with a wall-to-wall inventory audit
  • Capstone inventory management solution resulted in improved capacity and increased throughput
  • Capstone was then tasked to expand the solution and help re-engineer manufacturing support operations

The Challenge

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  • Inventory audit and tracking for improved traceability
  • Inbound: Receiving, Unloading, Put-Away
  • Outbound: Selection, Picking, Loading
  • Solution expanded into manufacturing support: Kitting, Light Assembly, Auditing



Enabled daily production output increase by 168%


Inventory in transit count reduced

Future-Forward Solution

Created custom traceability system for company-wide deployment